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Therapeutic is the largest erotic massage and sensual massage directory. Find massage therapists and erotic and sensual massage reviews in popular cities like New York, Los Angeles, Miami and San Francisco.
Simply use the search and select the option that you are looking for:
-Erotic Massage
-Sensual Massage
-Tantric Massage
-Therapeutic Massage
No matter which city you live in, the process of hiring an erotic massage therapist is easy. Simply browse through our directory, decide whether you want an in call or out call. After learning about the masseuses rates, you can narrow down your choices and select which one you would like to hire.
Our erotic and sensual massage directory is not a ‘front’ for massage parlors or brothels. Again, our goal is to put together the most comprehensive website of erotic and sensual massage specialists on the Internet – and nothing more than that. We do not have any connections with brothels, organizations, agencies or massage parlors.
If you are wondering whether or not an erotic or sensual massage can lead to something more – we assure you that each advertiser are individuals who can personally tell you about the way they work.
Here we answer the most common questions
1. How can I book an erotic massage therapist?
The best way to look for an erotic massage therapist is to base it on your personal tastes and preferences. Therapeutic, tantric, sensual and erotic massage types are available through our directory – although we recommend that you ask each individual whether has sufficient experience in providing the type of massage service that you need. The more experience she has in giving a particular massage, the more skilful her hands would usually be.
2. What does in-call and outcall mean? makes it possible for clients from different states to have the option of having a masseuse come into their home, which is called an in-call. Your other option is to book a massage therapist on an outcall basis, wherein she will be the one to travel to your location.
3. Are the pictures of the masseuses on your website accurate? has a very strict Privacy Policy. Here, we take into account our masseuse’s right to practice discretion with their profession – so some of them may choose to hide their identities by posting a different picture on our site. This is especially true for masseuses who are performing tantric, sensual and erotic massages. We recommend that you be upfront regarding your doubts if you want to ensure that the picture posted on a masseuses’ profile is accurate or not.
5. Can erotic massage sessions be performed in the nude?
It is possible, especially in the case of erotic massage, tantric and sensual massages. However, most massage therapists do not work in the nude due to the restrictions that they have as professional massage therapists. Once you go over the profile of a masseuse, you can ask her directly whether she can work in the nude or not.
6. Are you an escort services website?
No. is a professional massage directory, not an escort website. We cater mainly for therapeutic, Tantra, Sensual and erotic massage.
7. Which are the most popular cities in America?
Erotic Massage in New York is probably the most popular city, followed by cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, San Diego and Washington D.C.